You have an innate ability to transform yourself
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You have an innate ability for self-rewiring
Healthy success means accomplishing the changes you want to see in yourself and your life in a way that is respectful and boosts your well-being. As cliché as it may sound, there is indeed a formula for healthy success.
It all begins with the realization that you have a natural capacity to transform yourself. In other words, you have an innate ability for self-rewiring that, surprisingly, many are not aware of. Once you are fully aware of how powerful this is, it becomes a game-changer.
We’re not inventing anything new here; it’s simply the way our brain functions. Your brain is designed to continuously adapt and reorganize itself as needed, it’s called neuroplasticity.
We are all constantly modeling our brains. Recognizing this inherent capability but, most critically, realizing that you can purposefully and actively influence this process to your advantage is key to achieving positive transformation.
Once you realize this, you can achieve any internal change you want. You can effectively resolve any internal struggle you might be experiencing, such as decreased psychological well-being, negativity, overthinking, lack of confidence, self-sabotage, fear of speaking in public, unhappiness, not finding purpose in life, or any other internal struggle you might be facing. It just then becomes a matter of learning the right techniques to do so.
In fact, internal change can be surprisingly fast and effective when you get the right guidance. For instance, the participants in this study achieved a significant improve in their psychological well-being and life satisfaction with only three sessions of 15-20 min. with a virtual coach that we created with my coaching interventions.
Realizing that you have a natural ability for self-rewiring is key to activating your capacity to change.
In short, the first part of the magic formula is the realization of your innate ability for self-rewiring, the capacity to transform yourself for the better. Now, let’s cover the second part of the formula.
Bringing the brain to the gym
When you go to the gym and train your muscles, your body gets fit. You have the power to influence its shape. If you train it, it will look better.
Your brain works exactly the same way. To achieve change, we bring our brain to the gym.
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Imagine your brain as a muscle that you can train and reshape, just as you do with your body. You have the ability to shape it to your liking, ensuring that it serves you optimally, exactly as you do with your body. If you don’t train your body, it will get a bit more flabby, and the same applies to your brain. Once you start training it in a healthy direction, it will get more fit. You’ll feel more empowered, mentally healthier, happier, resilient, confident, and also capable to achieve the changes you want in your life.
You can choose who and how you want to be
The key point here is to truly understand that you have a choice. You can certainly choose to ignore your capacity to model your brain, just as you might neglect your body, but it will get a shape regardless. Now that you know you have a choice, I encourage you to seriously consider the power this gives you.
There is a common false assumption that needs to be challenged, which is assuming that your ‘brain shape’ is fixed and can’t be changed. There is no such thing as an unchangeable default shape of your brain or of you. Perhaps you identify yourself as shy, insecure, pessimistic, indecisive, rigid, a perfectionist, unable to find happiness or purpose in life, or other unhelpful traits. Believing that any of these are you, by nature, and that you can’t change it because “I am just like that” is precisely what prevents you from changing it. It’s common to over-identify with certain unhelpful traits simply because they’ve been with you for a long time. The thing is, you are not defined by these traits, and you have the capacity to change any of them.Believing “I am just like this” as something that can’t be changed is precisely what prevents you from changing it.
The 'Healthy Success' Formula
As you recognize your innate ability to actively model your brain, you can do something extraordinary with it. You can rewire yourself to your advantage to become mentally healthier, more successful, and achieve your goals more easily. You can train your mind-brain ecosystem to gain vision and clarity, and free yourself from all the unhelpful traits that have been with you for years and you mistakenly believed defined who you are. Hence, this is how the healthy success formula looks like:
HEALTHY SUCCESS = realization of your natural capacity for self-rewiring + training your mind-brain ecosystem in the right direction
Naturally, once you’ve grasped the formula, it leads to the next question: How can I actually train my mind and brain in a healthy direction to liberate myself from feeling insecure, negative, unhappy, afraid, etc.?
For now, let’s say that the way you think, process information, and the interactions with the external world all act as very powerful sculpting tools. I will be covering specific rewiring processes to address specific problems such as lack of confidence, goal achievement, negativity, fear, public speaking anxiety, etc., in future posts.
Key takeaways
- Healthy rewiring starts with the realization that you have a natural capacity to transform yourself.
- Believing ‘I am just like this’ as something that defines you by nature is precisely what prevents you from changing it.
- Once you realize your natural capacity for self-rewiring, it just becomes a matter of training your mind-brain ecosystem in a healthy direction with the right techniques.
Ready for a more intensive, fast, and effective process? Discover how the Conscious Self-Rewiring Coaching Method can accelerate your personal growth. Book a complimentary 30-minute discovery call with Dr. Laura to explore the Healthy Success Coaching program. Coaching sessions online. In-person coaching sessions in Dubai and the UAE.